Will you split a Costco pie with me?
What is a good benchmark / sign that says " you need to replace your windows"?
Car totaled over rear shock?
What is the benefit of complex schemas?
Anyone using dimmer switches throughout the house?
Are you supposed to stop when school buses have their hazards on picking up kids?
2 teens were caught trying to pickpocket phones on the subway in NYC
T bone question
I'm working on an MQTT screen saver that displays like the Matrix code.
Is there any way to prevent my anode rod from going bad after less than a year?
Am I overthinking cost of new tires?
How would you handle this?
How to connect users of app and website to a single database using a free shared hosting?
Hey dad! I (F) need help identifying these parts. Most importantly the part that "screws" to the drill. Details below
Inverse Syncing Issue?
Drilling into granite
What’s that thing that users mis-name that drives you crazy or makes you chuckle inside?
Running a periodic copy script. Using cp -n because I don't want recursion. Get error as a result.
Out in the wild
[Star Trek] Why did the mind meld with Sarek affect Picard more than his mind meld with Spock?
I have been hired as the sole IT guy in a new office, they have nothing built in at all
Internal users want data integration but can’t really explain their own database—how common is this?
What do you do when you get new user forms and half of the fields are missing?
Can’t Drill Straight
Sound proofing water pipes