Our new kitten, Jinx
Found coming out of my keyboard
I’m the dumper and I’m thinking about reaching out
Feeling really bad about my first day TA-ing
Is it possible to be on good terms with an ex that cheated on you?
Do you normally keep the box that your tarot decks come in?
Any young people with hypo here?
To those who haven’t broken NC…
Key phrases they say to manipulate you - share yours
Extreme Fatigue after Leaving
Partner says he misses the person I was when we first met
What's the dumbest things they tried to gaslight you about
Why do I miss someone who disrespected me and doesn’t care about me?
What Was The Final Discard By Your Narc/Nex?
Feeling jealous of people who are still friends with my abuser
Does the hurt ever go away?
I broke nc
There is no "back", there is only forward
For everyone whose partner asked for a non-monogamous relationship
To my fellow anxious attachment dumpees: let them.
Should I respond to my ex if he reaches out?
Feeling like I have clarity
Weekly Thread - Questions about Anxious Attachment?
Relapsed and reached out after a year and some change. Can really use a pick me up right now
How do you make sense of the confusing feelings after leaving a really unhealthy relationship?