Randomness works against free will just as much as Determinism.
Its a scientifically proven fact that our life experiences dont force us to commit crime.
"The human brain is too complex for scientists to identify a definitive cause for crime!" *Proceeds to take prescription anti-anxiety and depression medication developed by scientists studying the human brain*
Emergent Self-directed Systems (ESDS) Theory dies, (AEC) Adaptive Emergence and Complexity Theory is born out of its ashes
Our life experiences dont force us to do evil. We all understand objective good.
Agent-causal free will for dummies...
Do we have any MDs, or other Medical professionals or people interested in Medical ethics who are hard incompatiblists/determinists?
The scale difference between quantum fluctuations amd neurons is not immense and anyone who knows a damn thing about the brain understands this. And Yes, Randomness is beneficial to us and our free will.
An unresolved hole in determinist causation: Platonic causation.
Does the fact that we had no choice in how our brain was formed mean we cannot have free will ?
I finally figured it out.
Compatibilists, is there utility in using the same term as libertarians to refer to something different?
I keep seeing quantum mechanics pop up and...
Isnt determinism actually requiered for any kind of free will (even with a loose definition) to exist ?
I cannot wrap my head around why so many determinists outright REFUSE to understand what we mean by free will. Ive explained it so many times and yet they say "so its contra causal magic".
"Being able to do X" doesnt mean "Would do X after repeating the exact same conditions eventually".
Still waiting the burden of proof from determinists and incompaths
Does science require causal determinism?
Getting to the truth: Why Free Will makes the most logical sense, using an intuitive and metaphysical understanding of reality: (More of a Discussion post than a Debate post)
People hate it when you point out that fascists are socialists
Would doing otherwise under the same conditions be something you actually want?
Believing in free will and having different phenomenological experience
Does determinism have a absurdly big - big bang problem?
Still, nobodys been able to give me a meaningful definition for "Ontological Possibility". Without this being a thing that exists, determinism is fucked, because obviously theres multiple epistemic possibilities.
"Ontological possibility" is a meaningless oxymoron and cannot be given a meaningful definition. Prove me wrong.