Why did the lion go to therapy?
How are marriages like algebra?
A husband says to his wife, “Why don’t you tell me when you orgasm?” She replies,
I am approximately 20/80
What are some old-fashioned views about bisexuality that were misguided but came from well-meaning intentions?
Why not both
Have you experienced support from your family?
Is it just me or is beer and weed one of the most fun drug combos?
Would you give an oral sex to someone you just met?
We did it
What are movies that reliably portray the queer community or parts of it in some way?
Your first time/s getting high?
Validation Advice?
I’m in a bind
She’s all white except the black patch on the top of her head. Can you help me name her?
What are your favourite gay villains in movies or tv?
I've developed a crush on one of my coworkers.