I added audio to this meme
Electronic artist with revolutionary sound similar to Aphex Twin status?
Sharing my latest album (includes the track that Autechre played on BBC)
My contribute to the weird hand post
in your opinion what is the most underrated song by richard?
"I'm pretty sure this is just IDM" says one of the comments
I think I invented a new genre. Hits different when blasting in the whip at 1 AM
what other artists do you guys listen to?
Hello everyone I have released my first album
Definitely top 1 if not top 5 most beautiful songs by this man.
Can someone give me a good video on options for complete beginners ? I want to make money while shorting Tesla
If you don't have over a billy
Huge red flags, Kris giving off FTX vibes. And diluting investors with 70 Billion new coins. Centralized Meme Chain
Since we are posting vinyl
Errl cup haul to
All that other stuff seems kind of weak, but this... this is cool.
Crazy drum and bass similar to Drukqs?
just gonna leave this here
i tried putting my friend on to Aphex Twin
What are the best strains for nugrun carts?
Otto Von Schirach is kinda good
Thousand people or so swarming oracle and river protesting swasticars, 47, and Elon
Kanye West Wears Swastika T-Shirt in Public After Declaring He's a Nazi
I fucking hate myself so much
What's your deepest darkest secret?