What would you ask Sick Lois?
Just told my parents that I’m moving out [UPDATE 2]j
Neil Gaiman response to new allegations of sexual abuse in Vulture Report
Feel very dysphoric tonight. Sick of masking my gender and getting misgendered at work...
unfortunately this just became the funniest tweet in history
Johnny Depp posted this on Instagram yesterday.
Why are they so self focused?
Anon makes an observation
Mom calls all day
Can I cover this vent to muffle my neighbour shouting on his computer
Remembering an old conversation and seeking validation
He only turned up to find his sister, however theres apparently no report of a missing person in his situation. Do we call bullshit?
What was it like watching atla when it came out?
Free Luigi Rally [20:13]
Breaking Bad (predictably) wins day 1. Day 2- what show has a mid story, but good acting?
Buffy get a cookie
Struggling right now
when chris has been dinking with your head
Is the fanbase majority male or female?
Does this still look safe to eat?
Biggest change of heart about a queen?
N-word translations in City of God
Finally read the texts I've ignored for 9 months
BPDmom's new favorite thing is to try to provoke me by talking about me in the wrong group chat
Her name is 22