Are prostitutes called prostitutes because they do business with the prostate?
Dutch physiotherapist trying to charge me extra
Is this common practice for bars here?
First time pet sitter, not sure what the accepted practice is
How can I get my gf's cat to stop biting my hand?
Study in Hungary with Government Scolarship or in Italy as self-funded student
Cigarettes are the true 'Gateway Drug'
Sparkling water is stupid, nasty, and useless.
To all the new non-Dutch college kids
Are you attracted to plus size women?
Men of Reddit, how are you treated by people around you because you're single?
What made you say "Do people actually do this?"
Men who have completely stopped dating what made you stop dating people?
What's a good comeback for being body shamed?
What’s the root of social anxiety?
My husband won't have sex with me until I "earn it back." It hurts like hell.
My birthday is tomorrow and I’ll be alone
My fellow men what is a personal rule you had created for yourself?
I went through a public shooting this morning .
Een interessante scenario. Hoe rampzalig zal dit zijn voor Nederland? Ik denk erger dan het wordt weergegeven op de kaart.
What if the Storegga Slide happened again? - The 2023 North Sea Tsunami (Explanation in Comments)
When you pop your knuckles or neck you gain 0.5 mass of muscle
What's the best Anime you've ever seen ?
What is a word that LOOKS like it is spelled wrong, but isn’t?
What saddest anime you could recommend to watch?
If I try to light my fart?