Game Thread: Dallas Mavericks (1-3) at Boston Celtics (3-1) Jun 17 2024 8:30 PM
[REQ] ($240) (#Westbrook, ME, USA) (Repay $270 on 10/23)(Venmo, PayPal)
[REQ] ($200) (#Westbrook, ME, US) (Repay $220 on 8/31/21) (PayPal, Venmo)
[REQ] ($200) (Westbrook, ME, US) (Repay $220 on 8/13/21) (PayPal, Venmo)
[REQ] ($440) - (#Westbrook, ME, US), (Repay $480 on or before 6/26/2021), (Venmo, PayPal)
[REQ] ($440) - (Westbrook, ME, US), (Repay $480 on or before 6/25/2021), (Venmo, PayPal)
[REQ] ($260) (#Westbrook, ME, US) (Repay $290 by Feb. 12, 2021) (PayPal, Venmo)
[REQ] (Westbrook, ME, US) ($260) (Repay $290 - Feb. 12, 2021) (PayPal, Venmo)
[REQ] ($300) (#Westbrook, ME, US) (repay $330 on 08/12/2020) (Venmo, PayPal)
They’re appearing all over Portland. Also blue stickers that say “Fred.” I’m going crazy trying to understand.
[REQ] ($350) - (#Portland, ME, US) (Repay $385 on 1/11/2020) (Paypal)
WTW for when a singer's voice catches in a song
How do you deal with heavy days and no/rare bathroom breaks? I fill my diva in 2 hours and I work 9 hours today
[playlist][alternative folk] I cant get enough of this alt-folk playlist. Lots of unheard gems here :)
Just got a vintage pair of leather pants for $12! Complete with two tickets to a Pearl Jam concert in 1998
Me browsing this sub all day dreaming about law school while I neglect all my past due school work and don't study for my LSAT retake
I love how swishy the skirt on this dress ended up! [Lea Dress by Sew Over It]
Help my cat win cutest cat of the week!
Tupperware always hits me right in the nostalgia. My mom used to host parties at our house in the 80's/90's. Scooped all six of these today for $5.
Anyone else just fed up with this whole process?
How would you feel if your child's daycare teacher got them a card for their birthday?
Restaurant staff of Portland
Hikes within 1.5 hours of Portland?
Do any local parents have a baby jogger they no longer need?
Hello reddit. I am Looking for a room to move into mid August. I am a 23 year old bartender and have a job ready to start up there when i move.