4 days in Paris itinerary feedback
Online Renewal Timeline USA
Has anyone used ghd Platinum+ Flat Iron Hair Straightener in Europe with adapter?
Booked flight price drop, after 24 hours
River Seine cruise with glass of champagne?
Best place/s to eat on visit to Versailles
VAT Refund at Gare Du Nord
Buying a Chloe purse in Paris?
What’s the biggest "Nah, I’m out" moment you’ve had on a date?
Can I find a place in Upper East/West Side for $2500 & not hate my life?
What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
What was your introduction to Grey's?
The person in front of you can feel your bottle digging into their back.
When you don’t wash your hair daily? Do you even get it wet?
what has happened to etiquette omfg
a couple that should NEVER have happened.
How to find rent stabilized apartments in NYC?
Dog carry on
If you are unhoused women, where do you go to get clothes
Uber to Kerhonkson?
What do you think of Cynthia's closing run in Defying Gravity?
What is your “gotta leave in 5 minutes” makeup?
Headphone recommendations for frequent zoom meetings in open plan office environment
What was the best autobiography you've read?
what grey’s anatomy parallel lives in your mind rent free?