Name an actor whose acting you can always 'see'.
Which game from my wishlist should I buy next?
What actor/actress do you feel has the same personality throughout their filmography?
Cyberpunk 2077's Sequel Will Feature The Most Realistic Crowds Ever In Gaming
A Dark Cloud Series Odyssey (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Lose Control of My Life)
To celebrate St Valentine's Day, Final Fantasy official social media puts out an image of the franchise couples
What was the first game you ever played?
Rainbow Six Siege 2 Reportedly in the Works with Major Engine Overhaul and Visual Upgrades
Movie Chart Day 3. What movie was meant to be funny, is scary?
Which is the prettiest cast of heroes from the main series? (Consider all the viable party members of each game)
Hamilton crashes during Ferrari F1 test in Barcelona
Every prestige blockbuster game should have Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's fast-forward option
What game pulled one of these?
Never done public photography before so this was a bit out of my comfort zone
I Love this phone
Flinging your baby is another level
Can someone give me tips about the fish Baron Garayan? I know you can get him at the desert but I just can't get him
What moment in a videogame was like this?
Only played dark cloud 2, is it worth playing the first
vivo X200 Pro review
What is your 'Hardly a great movie but, I watched it more than once'? Mine Underworld (2003) watched it more than twice for some reason.
The game I would like to see on Premium, what's yours?
Looking to gift someone a game for $100 or less
Got all the Killzone games only to be disappointed
Welcome to PlayStation: 34 must-play games across the generations on PlayStation Plus