Ultimu pachetzel pe sāptāmâna asta cā vine uichendu:
30 years between us! F(35) M(65) Getting married this year 😍🫴✨❤️🔥
To the younger person it the relationship, do you ever get sad thinking about your partner’s past and how they had a lifetime before you?
Pachetzelu pentru la muncā partea a doua:
Nu spun ca Dan Negru e prost
Mâine încep la un nou job. Pachetzelu pentru pauza de masā:
I can't wait to see my man again in LESS than a week 💗
I (18f) don't know how to make the jump, or bring it up with friends and family
Love of Our Lives
Unpopular opinion - food
Lunch yummy
Basically what r/ CoH has showed me, is that no hoarder can ever be helped in their lifetime
1 of my meals today: rice and fried chicken strips
Update on the college girl sending me bikini pics
2 of my meals from today: fried mushrooms + rice & pasta with tuna and pesto
I’m obsessed with wearing scarves lately 😂 my new go to every day style:
Mi-am luat prima chirie :D
Today is my bf’s bday, I got him this gift.
Engaged To My BestFriend🫶🏼
De ce mai fac oamenii copii?
What do older men prefer women wear?
Ce orientare sexuala aveti?
My dad found out I work at a strip club
It's not me that needs to take pills, it's fucking you