The use of fantasy genres to reflect on society - what have you re read or stumbled on that it more than its cover?
Offering Thoughtful Beta Reading
A person to write for.
Ramona trying to say “Bridgerton”
If a franchise had an official final season, how would you like it to go?
Opening A Book With A Dream Sequence?
What are your Comfort Episodes?
should I send my very first draft to beta readers?
In-line comments for writers
Re-write or power through?
Traveling & Writing
Protagonists with different tenses and different pronouns
I am leaving this sub here's why
Where am I supposed to draft my work?
Hooked on RHOSLC
Different types of world building
she was blonde???
How do you cope?
Is there any way of getting this very specific feature I want in google doc?
new writing software
Are you someone who studies writing...
Living on book sale
Difference Between Journaling and First Person
braids in battle