Bob eating upthe Traitors girlies 😭 😭 😭
Anyone interested in Traitors s3 ep1-3 discussions?
Me watching Traitors S3
With all the discussion about Suzie Toots makeup, reminder that Trixie Mattel was criticised as well
Bob is playing horribly on the Traitors!!!
Suzie Toot's singing talents performing Brooke Ramel's "I Wanted You to Know"
“idk who the last king of scotland was, but i know who the next queen is” (BTDQ traitors us3 🏰)
Who was THE runway queen of 2024?
Can we all agree that this has been the BIGGEST Glow-Up of the franchise ever? Now dear Stan, give your show more budget and bigger studio!
What are your thoughts on the Winners' Circle USA? (1-16)
Monét is the gonna be the pit stop host again! How do you feel about that?
The Queen SASHA VELOUR’s new Out of the Closet
Roxxxy shared this on her Twitter 🤭
Thoughts on a Legends season?
Love you, Alexis. But let's be real there...
Lemon really slayed her role at SG The Rusical. She really aced this season and I am really happy for her cause it seems like a lot of people are downplaying her performance this season.
Okay, but which sibling had better runway looks on their original season??
AS09E11 - "Grand Finale Variety Extravaganza: Part 1" [Live/Reaction Post]
Kim Chi in the comments
______ becomes the first lip sync song to…
AS09E10 - "Lip Sync LalapaRuza Smackdown" [Untucked Discussion]
AS09E10 - "Lip Sync LalapaRuza Smackdown" [Live/Reaction Post]
What the heck happened to Untucked: Season 4?
Eras of Drag Race
If you could crown 5 runner-ups, who would you choose?