Cute “human” names for male cats
This is the show that made me realize I was bi lmao
Any guesses on what they were talking about here that made jess smile so wide? lol
Ross in a sailor's uniform....... Yay or nay?
Which show started 10/10 and ended 10/10?
Tell me you watch Gilmore Girls, without telling me you watch Gilomore Girls
Which three for 1993 would you choose?
Can we agree that THIS was Rory‘s worst outfit
Food rocks
How many sets of bedsheets is enough? Please come tell me askreddit didnt want me to ask it there and I need answers haha.
Ladies and gents what are some healthy munchies ?
Finally got our custom artwork done!
for people who have visited the US from other countries, what shocked you the most?
Does anyone actually ever think Ross is hot?
Ketchup On A Hotdog Y / N?
What was the worst Poutine you ever had?
How much time is spent in there? Close the door! Geez...
Not sure what to do with this laundry room
Anyone else feel they can't work another 20+ years?
Do you know anyone who shares your birth day?
best way to word this sign without being rude?
Before it was revealed ,what did you think it was going to be?
Please vote today! :)
What’s something you see many people do, that you’ll never do?
Can't get dumber than this
Is it nostalgic for you? What was your favorite VHS you watched multiple times? Mine was The Lion King (1994).