Dragon Army Guy, Duncan Sabian, is running a Con. A DunCon. Could the grift be any clearer?
Soft-censorship on the Effective Altruism forum
what point is he even making here
Behind the Bastards does an episode on Curtis Yarvin
Yudkowsky explains why, in order to prevent agi, we must hold the rest of the world at nuclear gunpoint.
What's the ETA until one of these three Just Asks Questions about America being too hasty on repealing miscegenation laws.
Cryptography? Real. AI God can't beat cryptography. But don't worry. The AI god will just use Nanomachines.
Daniel Eth, of the Future of Life Institute at Oxford
[NSFL] Those warnings against Ziz were fake, and apparently a conspiracy with John David Pressman which eventually got her murdered.
"People don't like us because we're right"