does anyone else not like the cherry/lavender
Infected tattoo?
Missed pill
Movies about BPD (borderline personality disorder)?
… thanks for the reminder
Drink recommendations!
If I Eat Under My Calorie Allowance Can I Eat More The Next Day?
Mango dragon fruit base
Got the chocolate covered strawberry Frappuccino !! Here are my barista’s sketches & I’m literally obsessed with them (˘ᴗ˘)
How many of us went no contact with our parents??
What’s the best movie you know but no one else knows?
She’s not even trying to be subtle anymore
Disappointed in myself
how careful are you actually with a new tattoo?
I prefer my cup have no writing
15 days after sex, negative?
Gained 20 lbs. Quitting
What’s the worse way for a guest to get your attention
Is it fine that I went off my meds?
Am I gonna lose weight
Why?? Just why???
Alcohol - avoid at all costs?
Daily Song Discussion #67: "Við spilum endalaust"
Eat with me, come to target with us, and target haul MEGATHREAD