Losercity bathroom (@Caniinu)
🖕🧊 Rule
Here's my controversial Beastars hot take. Whats yours?
World War I
If Kines existed, would you guys try it?
"I pleaded guilty because I was guilty" quote from article, woaw
If Jack were to appear next to you, what would be your first action?
This also applies to Quentin Tarantino
You can’t handle IG reels
How much are these at your at your Costco?
Elon Musk megabitch
How it feels to spread information
The worst Presidential ticket in the history of America
South African rule
Why didn’t he or she get a second date?
If Legoshi were to appear next to you. What would be your first action?
George Bernard Shaw defends Stalin about the Moscow Trials, 1941
We post memes here, Sir
"Trying" rule
Being a fascist is the ultimate sign of weakness in a person