[Rule 1 STICKY] Account, Team-building, Crystal Help & Brags
Why do people say stuff like vi doesn't have any options but to live with cait or that she is forced to be with Cait?
I tried to keep track of bans in Battlegrounds this season.
TOP 4✨️ Who will be next to leave?
Killer Frost is our decently written Morally grey character! Who is our decently written villain?
Man... this is the first time I've seen a girl mistreat Tory so badly, not even Sam.
Next R3?
[general] Love how almost all the Big 3 kids (Bianca excluded) have titles
Even this is better than the original 💀💀💀
Does anyone know what this effect is called, this sort of horizontal glare/glow? And how can I replicate it in AE? (Sorry if this is a dumb question, I’m new to editing)
Invisible woman raids
Is it too late to join clubs?
Champs that got a major buff from relics.
What am I doing wrong with Mister Sinister?
[pjo] Percy powers
New solo events UI