[MELTDOWN TW] My autistic boyfriend has suffered a meltdown because I did not want to perform a sexual act @3am
Autism and Driving… Am I Alone?
What has internalised transphobia made you think about other trans people?
Elektronische Patientenakte
Why do we get energy at night?
Wie war eure erste Therapiestunde?
An die Menschen, die schnell Therapie gefunden haben, wie schnell und wo?
People whose friends called someone to stop you from committing suicide, how do you feel about them? Did the friendship survive? If you were angry, was there something that changed that afterwards or are you still angry at them?
Looking for an app to track my writing
Erster Schwimmbad-/Saunabesuch nach top surgery!
An Neujahr kein Testo mehr
Vorübergehender Ausweis nach SBBG
Any tips to best support my SO with chronic fatigue?
Wie/Wo habt ihr im Winter schon entspannt Geburtstag gefeiert, wenn man bei sich die Räumlichkeiten nicht hat?
Student in wheelchair, the first in his university to join medical school
How to write realistic characters without writing too much background information I will never need?
Where does your username come from?
Gibt es Hand bzw. Körpercremes die „angenehm“ sind?
Considering stopping being vegan for health? Thoughts?
Neigen autistische Menschen wohl eher dazu ihre romantischen Beziehungen offen/ polyamor zu führen?
Are there mobility devices for fatigue?
Föhn empfehlung?
Things to do without standing or walking much
Do you wear a sunflower lanyard? Why/why not?
Things to do in Paris