The life of a 28y old woman in Delhi vs 28y old woman in Europe
Getting comfortable with intimacy in AM (29 M)
My Best Friend is coming from Spain to India In April. We have booked this amazing Trek for May but my project manager is 'suggesting' me to not go in the said week as it is project deployment window. Help me decide.
Places to Study and Work!
How do you guys take sick leave when you have a lot of work?
Why is it cracking like this?
Need a Quiet Meeting Spot with Wi-Fi & Power Near Delhi Airport (Short Layover)
Places like Sunder Nursery?
Broad feet - help, need heel recommendations!
Small private party places
How to run away from the crowded Indian cities?
Husband doesn't want to stay with me
What I’ve learned after dealing with anxiety for years
Which one you'll eat first ??
First Gen NRIs, what's worse - Racism or crowded Indian cities?
Dentist has quoted 38500 for a rootcanal + veneer per tooth
Does the age gap matter? I’m 31, she’s 20
How do you know if you'll be good at a career?
Should I resign?
What do you call this in your language??
Recommendation before joining my job
Urgent question: Is it possible to mistake ADHD for anxiety disorder?
How is the LA fires not affecting the LA AQI unlike the stubble burning?
Should I Quit My Job to Prepare for a Government Exam in My Late Twenties?
Roles & responsibilities and Back ground verification.