Why’s this person come back to the top of my snapchat feed. I haven’t snapped her in 3 weeks and she hasnt snapped me ( to clarify the other people left on read for a week+ is because i havent opened there snap we snap regularly)
Do people not know that Grade A is just a sublabel?
Hasan's thoughts the working class: "A real job ... doesn't suck the soul out of you in the same way that ... streaming absolutely will."
is my “delta 8” actually noids?
Can’t quit this shit
Introducing Merry Modz: Christmas NFT by Tom Bilyeu!
Let it be
“ Children are starving in Africa “
Nobody did this, right?
You have chosen
Why do spam/bots use weird characters (hEy €uYs) when sending spam emails instead of making it less obvious?
Where’s my karma?
gimme upvote I need karma or mommy won’t love me
Meme I made (OC)
Except on some bands of course
Why does my Cloud 2 have static noise 24/7?
Rest in piece to the CEO of MSI. Hope his family is ok.
Rage mp vs fivem
Hello, is there any suggestions for an upgrade in components. I bought this pre built 2-3 years ago and am ready to replace some parts. I recently got a brand new power supply because my old one died.
Serving the glorious green alien gang.
The Galactic Warfare Continues
Why are so many people overreacting about coronavirus (covid-19)?
Uh oh