What’s a phrase or saying people need to stop using immediately?
Too expensive dogs.
What is an obsession you had that is beyond embarrassing?
What are your problems faced while using social media?and why you don't like those apps?
Like, seriously?
What’s a job you thought would be great, but turned out to be a nightmare?
Why is it that time kinda slows down when your at work?
What’s a rule or law you secretly break that no one really enforces, and why do you think it’s okay?
What is your most important daily ritual?
just when im all set
If you were to live a Covid-like lockdown again, what would you do differently?
If ghosts are real, what’s one question you would ask them?
What is your favourite series ?
What are signs that tell you someone is completely delusional?
What’s a terrifying fact about our world that most people don’t realize?
Recc for hard rock with SCREAMINGGGGH
They say free things often come at the greatest cost. What's the biggest price you've ever paid for something free?
Songs to listen to on the bus
Be honest Reddit. How often do you wash your bedding?