The amount of flame I get for simply playing Doomfist is absurd
Trying boiled duck egg embryo
What is the longest series you've ever read?
Very heated argument inside the White House
Is zarya really overtuned right now or something??
Who is this in st john's?
Who is this in Sacramento?
Why weren't we able to scare monger everyone about Project 2025?
Family Member Refusing To Go To a Vegan Restaurant
businesses in the Mall, listed by comapnies' nationality (boycott USA)
Learn from me: early 30s male, got a blood test after being vegan for 13 years...
Perks feel awfull
Republicans of Reddit, how do you feel about Trump calling himself King in his recent truth social post?
So it looks like Wolverine and Storm are becoming anchors to their team-ups, seasonal damage boost incoming?
What is an extremely inappropriate question you have always wanted to ask? (NSFW)
Human Torch | Character Reveal | Marvel Rivals
Weekly Quick Questions and Advice Thread - February 17, 2025
The State of Senses Fail
What are some things Trump has done that you didn’t like?
Let's give names to their triplets
We Might Have to “Shut Down the Country”
Since we’re getting hero bans… who are you voting for with no hesitation
Destroying his family’s legacy..
Why does everyone go Zarya?
Trumps Budget proposes nearly trillion dollar cut from Healthcare services. Do we support this?
'Honestly terrifying': Yosemite National Park is in chaos