What is something crazy popular that you have no interest in?
What band/artist do you think will explode onto the scene in 2025?
Lower back friendly exercises?
What is the worst/slowest device you've ever played Minecraft on?
curled feetsies and cute teefs
[Discussion] What is the platinum with the least number of achievers that you have?
Bring on GTA 6!
Officially completed all online trophies! Platinum here I come!
Obstructed my ass…fixed it!
What’s the average amount of jobs a 30 year-old has had in your opinion?
What's your most money consuming hobby?
Do you have artists that you love 90+% of their discography?
Desperately need help in the Humane Labs heist! (PS5)
Humane Labs Heist Help!
Moved in with my girlfriend. She says there’s not enough closet space for me.
What are you favourite underrated apps?
What boat is this?
Two Dartmouth students found dead in the Connecticut River in just over a month span. Connected or coincident?
Outside of sex, what's the greatest feeling ever?
33f Do I have a doppelganger?
Who do I look like
Who should I cosplay?
Brotherly love