An experimental typeface Bouwhuis
A typeface inspired by rural gas stations by Zoran Pungerčar
A little animation for Teletext variable
Posters I designed with my typeface Teletext variable for a concert series Level up
Got an email from fontradar. Unsure what to do.
Alica combines three scripts: Latin, Cyrillic and Arabic
Feraz (Beta) OUT NOW
Gizela - elegant art deco typeface
A castle inspired typeface - Rozamunda
How much flaire do you prefer?
An elegant italic serif typeface - Kadiz Italic
Which Q do you think looks better?
Which style do you prefer?
A new elegant serif font - Kadiz
Pricing for a custom typeface?
A typeface I helped design
I helped design Spektra Tekst, a fun semi condensed sans serif typeface.
Spektra Tekst is a new sans serif typeface made by Type Salon
Do you think this a viable solution to integrating diacritics to super bold letter shapes?
What do you think about these ligatures.
Funky ligatures
A funky uppercase A
Dotless type specimens for Season 0
Type specimens for Dotless type
Do you use stylistic alternatives in your projects?