Nothing tastes good
Just finished watching The Case of: JonBenét Ramsey
Dental tourism
Top denture only, restorative work on the bottom a good option?
Those who believe RDI, why was their DNA not on any of the items tested?
Why ‘Burke Did It’ explains EVERYTHING
BDI people: How did JonBenet's body end up in the basement?
I don't believe the same person did both the strangling and wrist bindings
How did Burke stay out of trouble all this time ?
For those who believe an intruder did it, how does the pineapple fit in?
Listen carefully
John Ramsey says that there is a pubic hair found on Jon vents blanket that is untested. We’ve known about this hair. Could it be the key to the killer?
For the BDIA people, why are Patsy's fibers all over the cord wrapped around the paintbrush handle?
Is Natalia sincere?
DNA evidence questions.
What did Netflix leave out
Taxes on $100K
If JBR was conscious when being strangled, does this debunk the accident theory?
It’s awfully strange that the person who wrote the RN writes their “l’s” exactly like the person who wrote JB’s name tag.
She's been made into the ultimate victim. I'd be very careful around her!
THAT scene from 'The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie' 1969
Did Natalia ever stand a chance?
What happened when the DePauls tried to adopt Natalia initially?
“Victim or villain” is such a problematic theme. Where’s the logic?
Please God tell me someone is doing a deep dive on the Mans! There are 8 other kids in that household needing rescued!