Am i the only one who sees it
I have seen many videos where people say that Q is the worst character and a total di*k what do you guys think ?
What key is your favorite? These are my picks
Magicians ranks 9 on 2 top 10 lists
Magicians leaving Netflix
Have you guys ever finished the game with your mod list?
I’m a naughty Dragonborn
Caught her trying to sneak apples across the border...
Just Skyrim
I'm starting a new run after 5 years of not playing it - Give me your MUST HAVE mods
what is your death hot take
Can someone help me confirm whether the CD is genuine? Only the Mastering SID Code IFPI LP 73 was found, no Mastering SID Code
Got this for Christmas!
Are you reading the new Spice and Wolf manga? What do you think of the new Holo design?
Why does Toph have a 22% in this? Last I remember she's not Daredevil when it comes to hand to hand combat
Two new figures came in the mail today
Beautiful to look at but dangerous to handle
I felt that...
Just killed a High Elf and it filled a black soul gem with a grand soul. Seems like a bug seeing as at best they should only have a lesser or petty soul?? Can’t believe Bethesda missed this
What's my handwriting say about me?
whats your choice
What colour/s are my eyes?
"Finished" my death/grind fly rig
Thinking about getting this amp