Did meth for the first time is it really that addictive?
What does coke and alcohol do when mixed?
Did acid for the first time like 3 weeks ago...
I'm really struggling with Coke
Is a method high more intense than Coke?
Favorite rapper that is also a good singer?
What is the scariest subreddit on here?
I did shrooms now my brain is broke
Just moved here to the youngestown area whats the best weed dispensary in this area?
Whats the difference between Coke and crack?
What drug feels better then anything else you have done?
What is the craziest/ most tweaker thing you have done on a high dose of shrooms?
What drug ruined your life and why?
How different is acid and shrooms really?
Is it possible to just not be able to trip?
Who’s had traumatizing Psychedelic trips?
One if my friends wants to do datura and I keep telling them no and it's a dumb idea ant advice?
How do you guys that are heavily users even afford drugs..
Whats the longest you ever been awake from using drugs?
Going to take my driver's test today and kinda nervous.. any advice?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Fuck it 600mg n going to school
Describe your faviorte rapper without saying their name
What drug have you acted the most crazy tweaker unhinged on? 😂 and what did you do