Is math 1106 discussion mandatory/graded?
Classes counting towards multiple minors?
Incoming Freshman (engineering) pls help!! WHOLE bunch of questions
Psych 2415
Official TL and sneikkimies
positive things about cornell (from a scared co’29)
Where to read
Dunno if someone already did this but I was curious
Official LN or Sneikk version?
CALS or CAS for biology major?
When to know if you should look into transferring?
High Rise 5 Triple
Columbia Ranks Top 10 Global University in 2024-2025 U.S. News and World Report
The dorms here actually SUCK
Cornell fitness centers?
what else should i take
Major change not updated- enrolled in wrong intro course
Barbara McClintock
Can someone confirm whether student center will allow me to sign up for more than 18 credits CAS freshman fall?
Should I take BIOMG 1350 or BIOG 1440 first (pre med)?
Well-rounded students for Ivy Leagues
what is the university with the least aura?
what is your favorite and least favorite aspect of cornell?
another freshman asking for scheduling advice to improve a terrible schedule...