Expectations Vs reality 😂
Where did all the bulky gaming laptops go?
Before & after pics with my Hong Kong gang bang crew ❤️
I decided to call up one of my friends for a good fucking one night. It ended in a beautiful cumshot - and then he surprised me by putting that cock back in me afterwards
Too cute not to share 😂😆
Adulting is hard.
How many using phone without any screen protector??
Going to move to bangkok for a few months. Is my budget reasonable?
Linguistic slip?
Over 100 suspected rodenticide pills found laying in Tai Kok Tsui pet garden
I’m saved as Milf Machine in my teacher’s phone
Not sure if I should keep this look for date night or just for myself… what do you think? 💋💭
Money laundering at ATMs: Smurfing
How Mainland China Killed the Hong Kong Economy
When is "violence the answer"?
New carbon fibre Ridge wallet (+ coin tray), I absolutely love it!
So the election was a "get out of jail free card"???
What humorous street names do you have in your town?
Best Hong Kong style toast?
Anyone wanna tribute/swap my Filipina girls feet?
The irony.
Which ethnicity has the best feet?
Shame on you Samsung
Switching To Iphone Has Been The Worst Decision I’ve Ever Made
Who was the first person to send you a pic of their feet?