Who is strongest . 1 WB 2 rhp 3 bm 4 beast pirates 5 BB 6 shp 7 cg ( white beard. Red hair pirates. Big mom. Beast pirates. Black beard pirates. Straw hat . Cross guild)
I think in the future senGoku bogard and tsuru with smoker Kobe and others are going to save garp form BB. Just imagine senGoku enter the battlefield and destroyed Island like garp
Who wins?
I think that garp is going to be saved by senGoku , bogard and tsuru and others including smoker
How strong is Loki. Low pk level of high Yonko level
I posted what I think about the future destination of BB. After reading all comment. I have made in theory. Please read the comment
What do you think what would be the next move of BB. I think that black beard pirates will go to wano because of poneglyphs and pluton ancient weapon. He will go there with his full force. What do you all think
Who is the strongest swordsman
Who's the strongest character all of these characters can beat?
Emperor versus all war lords
Who will win. All emperor crew and fleet are included same with all the war lord the crew is also included and full force of world government that mean every marine officer holy knight and seraphim and pacifista and CP 9 agents including sword members
Who will win. all the characters are in their strongest version
Who will win. All the characters are in the strongest version
Who is gonna win in all out fight no teams individual . BB is not in WB crew and same with jinbe is in luffy's crew ace is in WB crew and shank is in his own crew and buggy is in seven warlord team. I think Roger will win. No aliance
Who wins crocodile or doflamingo after time skip I think so crocodile should win that 2 billion bounty should justify itself why that bounty is higher than Zoro and Sanji even katakuri
Who is stronger. I think yamato because King loss to a weak Zoro we lost to sanji and Jack is weak . Yamato was fighting kaido and clashing with him she has a mythical zone devil fruit and is even stronger then Zoro Asura power
Who will win marine world government God knights vs rocks pirate full power . Every character is in their prime that means I do is a emperor level character. And black beard has both devil fruits and mihawk is in his prime when he used to fight shanks. Same with garp and senGoku they are in prime
Rocks pirates VS 4 emperors and 7 warlord . All the members of rocks pirates are in prime
Who will win Rock pirates or Roger pirates and garp . Roger pirates and garp and bogard are in prime same with rocks pirates characters like kaido are also in prime to keep it fair
World government vs original 4 emperor. All the pirates and Mariam officers are in the prime and bogard is also there along side with shemrock and garling and all the holy knight shown
Who's winning. WB is in prime and BB has both DF. All the Roger pirates are in prime
Who will win . I think after time skip all WB commander are near admiral level
People really be thinking prime Rayleigh and Gaban are Yonko level, when it's pretty obvious, they're just admiral levels, so yeah, Prime Rayleigh will smoke Kizaru
Who will win