Where are you on trans women just trying to use the restroom and not make a fuss? Could use your perspective, because it feels like everything's changed.
Huge Step for me to post
Thoughts 6 months post-op FFS surgery with Dr. Jacob Kuperstock, Fairfax VA
Significant hair growth after 1 year of hormones/finasteride/monoxidil?
Increased gender dysphoria after deciding to transition
51% of the United States thinks we are bad people.
I am galvanized.
A splash of positivity in the midst of a double life
Repblicans pretending they care about women's safety
When did you start feeling enough to go to LGBTQ meetups?
3-month checkup: Any advice on HRT regimen?
I did it! I came out to work!!
How soon before FFS consultations?
Not gonna lie...
Starting estrogen
What to expect when starting HRT
Gendered correctly for the first time, and I almost missed it
Curious how you handle low points?
Certainty, is it absolutely necessary or even important?
My incredible wifey fixed my godforsaken frizz wig! I start my new job tomorrow, I feel so lucky to be able to start it with better hair ❤️
Went thrifting with my wife — it was a non-event in the most exciting way
I have started
Are there any MTF parents here?
Mid 40s, 6 weeks on HRT, lower abdominal pain — routine or cause for concern?