Found like 15 dead birds under our tree this am
boardless charcuterie
kimchi lovers unite
why do you see yourself as more handsome/beautiful/better looking while tripping?
Counterproductive Adoption Elitism
School rules for going to the bathroom are perfectly reasonable
Should I be worried I smoke weed around my cat?
How often can you bathe a cat?
Did I traumatise my cat? :((
My senior cat (about 14) is not eating, acting very withdrawn, and is drinking lots of water.
Is confrontational activism helping veganism?
Who says you can't go birding on a cold, cloudy winter day?
I don’t think shrooms taste that bad
Cat doesn't enjoyed being held
i don’t have a future
Realised that nobody really knows how ill I actually am.
Getting tired of all these posts about people not being able to afford their pets
My dietitian told me to start eating meat
Best Woody Body Wash (That Actually Cleans)
People who say high humidity is worse than a dry heat have never experienced a true dry heat.
I'm a janitor at 27. I feel like a loser.
Fragrances that trigger anxiety/panic attacks?
We'll be fine
shrooms changed my taste in music
AIO to my boyfriend imposing veganism on me ?