Me whenever Shari mentioned in her book a comment Ruby would make to her that was either self righteous manipulation or just casually cruel
Why Doesn’t Shiv Have Any Friends?
Why this case still fascinates me: everyone involved is just so unlikable
Marie finally getting her deserved comeuppance from the most soft spoken character on the show
"No Talking" & "Becky Doesn't Live Here Anymore" was so similar to me minus Mark, Becky was hateful towards Roseanne and criticized her cooking both times.
Fred Suing for Custody
What is with all of the David hate around here lately?
What are your "controversial" Roseanne opinions?
What is one of your favorite moments on the show?
Jackie’s Mr. Right
Rodeo and western clothes
Roseanne and Dan's marriage....
Unpopular opinion: The more I rewatch Roseanne the less I like David
You know, us cops have a saying…
Sometimes I wish they would have made Nana a permanent character on the show
The top Roseanne is precious and I would defend her with my life. The bottom one
There’s better ways to get back at me.
Found in my school gym….
Gary and Jackie
Favorite Dan advice?
The financial gamble Roseanne took in opening a restaurant
Does Jackie look too desperate for the Singles dance, or just desperate enough?
I could not stand Becky in this episode
The outright hostility between Roseanne and the bingo lady will forever be the best episode side plot