Purchased for crabitat
What is this?
Please help me find a dupe for Mac Spirit
Tank setup help
Question regarding my crab
My guys are obsessed with their Ferris wheel
How often do crabs drink/bathe?
The saga continues. HappyCrabby tracking number is the exact same as my Turbo Shells order.
Update on Happy Crabby cigarette butt incident…what do y’all think of her message?
Don’t buy hay mat treats and throw yours out! I found a cigarette butt in mine
Can someone comment a photo of Amber in a babydoll dress? I don’t remember this lore
How can I tell if he’s dead or molting?
How often do your hermits molt?
Rum recommendations for my dad’s Christmas gift?
New iso tank
Advice for the future
Camelot begins
BIG?! BIG?! Who you calling big?
All my guys are buried but one just molted 2 months ago
4 half sandwiches is 2 sandwiches, yes?
It's your time to shine.
Pebble successfully had his first molt with me!!!!
I can’t seem to fix my humidity!
How can I safely suggest therapy to the DA love of my life?