What is this phone (wrong answers only)
Bricked Nokia 3220 File recovery and flashing
Will the release on the 31st January be a free game?
Where Are My Fellow 21st Century Analog Fans?
Canon AE-1 Program broken tooth on plastic gear
Why do people always overlook autofocus slr's for beginners
Unreleased Nokia phones: Part 1 (from the Nokia Design Archives at Aalto University)
Canon Speedlite 277T disassembly help
Canon EOS 450D not turning on. Maybe quick fix?
Why is The Sims hated by gamers?
Accidentally left the laptop charging overnight over PD (I have the charging capped at 80% since I bought it a year ago, 2021 model), it charged to 100% and the battery wear spiked from 8% to 22.3%. Is this okay?
GOT HANDS ON THE G14 today! Bigg leap for my from the ~10-year-old Dell Inspiron 1440.
*Petrică Mâțu Stoian happiness noises*
astept sa iau ban lol