Good weight?
Our new class betta fish
Leopard gecko poop
Day 3 of trying to get a comment from every county (WE FINISHED MASSACHUSETTS! also I did not get some of you because I was sleeping and at work)
What is it? Cloud? Smoke?
Not sure what style this is?
Crooked af nose. Which side looks best?
Trying to get a comment from every county in the us (day 0)
I had a new tattoo fall off over the new year
Just brought this mature male home from my local pet shop as my first T. Questions below!
My handsome man
First time tarantula owner, how does my Curly Hair’s enclosure look?
How many leopard geckos do you have?
Home renovation !!
Can I get a high nostril??
This trunk aquarium
Umm wtf…
Found this on Pinterest
Are they sick?
My new tarantula tattoo !