I think I see the problem…
What was Frank Vincent like in real life?
Bringing my guitar to the summit of Mt. Washington, with this sort of view ideally. What song should I cover?
What's the gangster movie Chrissy writes called?
What do you consider to be the 'biggest' shows of the 21st century?
What's the first show that comes to your mind when you see this logo of USA Network (1981-1996)?
What's the first show that comes to your mind when you see this logo?
Can you guys suggest some songs for my band to play at our next gig?
Just binged it all in 3 weeks
Mike Bloomfield’s 1963 Telecaster - the one he played at Newport - is up for sale.
What song is playing?
I Just finished my first time viewing of the Series…
Mike Bloomfield’s Historic Tele for sale!
why is my little tzu doing this?
Which one are you picking?
Any Electric Basses that sound like a Double Bass
Whats something you tried once and instantly knew that it wasn't for you?
Who do you regret not seeing when you had the chance
What’s the best cover of all time?
Whats a saying that you’ve been told that has stuck with you for the rest of your life?
I have no words....
Most overrated actor / comedian of a generation…can anyone even rival him?
Suspense thriller TV show that is hard to put down. I want something where every episode makes you feel anxious about what will happen next.
For dry/cotton mouth jaw anyone tried ACT lozenges or these new Flintts mints?
What are some “pretty towns” in CT and NJ that have similar vibe to westchester?
Give me a band/artist you can’t stand even though seemingly everyone else loves them?