[Fanart] cosplay of tusk act 4.
My take of how Fulgrim flyies
Does 40k have a “Tom Bombadil”-type character?
Lord Kakophonist alternative weapon
Add some glitter to that plan
They sure know how to bedazzle a plan
Share your Least favorite Bit of 40K Lore.
What are some of your Favorite/Least Favorite Mcguffins in 40k lore?
It hurts rule
Completed Tomb Citadel
What's your personal most overrated novel that everyone else loves?
What units,from other armies, would you Run with Trazyn the Infinite?
How I imagine diplomacy works: a short polytopia comic
Oh... if only....
I kinda feel bad for him
Settra posts where he wishes!
nucler rule
Who else would love a deceiver model with a grin like this?
Necrons Kill Team Question.
When are we getting the Moon Killer?!?
Eggman waiting for the curse to hit.
My favorite part of necrons is that you can just make op stuff up and it is on brand.
I got 2 Deff Dreads and no Deff Koptas in my CP ???