How quickly did the years 35 to your age feel like they passed by?
I guess I wasn’t taking my bath fast enough for Diesel 😂🐾
Help. He keeps staring at me like that without moving for like multiple seconds. Why's he judging me like that ?!!
My Blankie
Honest opinions?
AITA for not allowing my children to call my mother “Honey”
what would you do if you found bald eagles on your front porch?
How did your style and taste change over 50?
Should I make him propose before I relocate to his state?
Me (36M) my wife (34F) My wife is talking to another man but she swears they are just friends
Introducing Briggs ❤️
Do you still have sex?
What’s a type of pain people underestimate until they experience it for themselves?
Im 21F and my boyfriend 22M does not allow me to do anything, any advice?
AITA for refusing to do anything around the house because my wife insisted on staying home with our child
How many times a week do you shower?
AIO? Message from my boyfriend for my 30th birthday written by AI
How do I (27M) get my girlfriend (30F) to stop hitting me?
This is my Coco girl. 3 months to a year old.
My first attempt at an original project! Upside down wine bottle holder
Why so little??
How is it I am in my 50s and STILL having dreams where I've forgotten to go to class for the entire semester?
He makes me prove everything
Which phone apps are bringing you joy?