Can never sleep before the time I slept night before
Me '26m' '34F' Girlfriend said I wasn't making enough?
I F23 might hangout with my ex M24
I (F33) need to have a serious talk with my (M42) husband
Practical items if stranded at airport?
I go to can’t sleep without stuffed animals or something else to cuddle
Gemstones selected to be polished
Is it bad to eat primarily rice and beans with some veggies?
Older Women and Societal Placement
Does anyone feel like their penchant for minimalism is a trauma thing?
I (40M) tried to end it with wife (35F) after my last post. Now she's suicidal I don't know how to help?
I chastised my bf and now he won't accept my apology
AITA for calling out my partner taking credit for paying a restaurant bill when he paid on our joint account?
I just realized I'm ugly
How do I (29M) tell my girlfriend (27F) that her breath smells and she needs to start taking dental health more seriously.
AITA for refusing to have overnight guests when I had planned to relax?
AITA For Telling My Girlfriend I Have Every Right To Defend My Home After Someone Started Kicking My Door In
Am I childish for still eating Ready Brek as a 34-year-old man?
Does it just all boil down to sitting in your own discomfort
Who else is doing a no buy for January?
Flatmates don’t want to put the heating on, what should I do?
AITA for accidentally ruining my autistic boyfriends safe food
AITA for doing a silly strip tease
All I want is a source for sex
He cuddled up and slept in my arms.