Photographing EDI Comeng might just be my favourite thing
What’s the best NSFW tip you wish others knew?
Taxi Advertising At North Melbourne
H sets Scrapped
People Who have Hooked up with their long time crush how was it?
Why Is Rape So Big In Anime?
Vicrail First Gameplay
[cod] Just finished my first run of the original COD Modern Warfare
Just Finished Playing COD Modern Warfare 3 For the First time
My Valentine’s Day gift was seeing this awesome praying mantis at tooronga with an Xtrap in the background
What part of your body makes a girl happy?
What is one NSFW moment that you’ll never forget?
Anyone got any recommendations on how to use the cranka crab?
what is that one thing about a men/women you’re an absolute sucker for ?
Folks with ADHD - how would you describe your sexual appetite?
Afternoon Snooze
The Stony Point line pre-2008 ft. A60 and the rare MTH carriages (drawn by me)
Some Black and White Photography
How beneficial and effecient would the MIldura line be if reopened and recieved station upgrades + double track?
What is the worst Melbourne suburban Station(excluding Stony Point Line)?
Double N class and Double Bull nose
New and Old
Why Hasn’t Upfield been duplicated?
What was your worst or most embarrassing sex story?
Victorian State Government Debt