Installing a cow scratcher
YSK: If you tap on the top of a soda can before opening, it reduces the chances of it fizzing over.
The Inland Taipan, the world’s most venomous snake, with enough venom in a single bite to kill 100 adult humans, is utterly powerless against the King Brown.
YSK: To easily remove stuck jar lids, run hot water over the lid for a few seconds. The heat expands the metal, making it easier to unscrew.
YSK subscribing to music streaming services directly through their websites can save you money compared to via Apple/App Store
What is this earring meant to be??
Is anyone else really happy to be growing up/getting older in general?
My newest acquisition! This thing is 4.5+Billion years old and it’s in me hands!
LPT: If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try counting backward from 300 in increments of 3. It may sound strange, but it forces your brain to focus and distracts you from any racing thoughts, helping you fall asleep faster.
In Africa, the encounter between two lions, four vultures, a hyena and a giraffe, who did not know what to do next, was filmed.
Water, Land and Mountains.
In August 2023, Nebraska police were in for a surprise after they got a call about a man driving through the town with a bull named „Howdy Doody“ in the passenger seat
Why do Americans decorate their homes with framed text signs stating obvious things like “Home” or “Kitchen”?
Why do humans have never-ending beard and hair growth, but no primates do?
Is it true that we only use 10% of our brains?
I feel so guilty, I didn’t see Ziggy trying to shake too! 😭
A blanket of snow on my car last winter
You may see, but are you really looking?
hey there, again, i need someone to title this, it’s for my high school art scholarship
Last Picture Of a Quagga
Is it normal to lose interest in hobbies you once loved?
DAE cat only eat when you're nearby?
"Yes I lost some teeth, but you should see the other Guy!"
Behavioural breakthrough!
Do you also watch Harry Potter every year?