Swalwell skewers Rubio
Give me some of the best bad movies!
Homemade meatloaf in a red gravy, Mac n cheese & green beans has gotta be my all time favorite comfort meal.
Löwenbräu - "Here's to good friends." (1983)
Casio QL -10 A Combination of a Calculator Cigarette Lighter and Alarm Clock (1979)
Winged Figures of the Republic at the Hoover Dam, Boulder City, Nevada
Wanted a winter warmer! Boeuf Bourguignon, Potato Gratin Dauphinois with fried greens and homemade éclairs
Angel Hair Pasta with Italian Sausage, and Diced Tomatoes. And a side of spinach sautéed in olive oil, and crushed garlic.
Reddit meet - The Mici
Hanger Steak with a Potato and Concerning Amounts of Butter
Whole roasted young chicken with butter, Herbes de Provence, and white wine.
My second favorite toy.
Did you do much swordfighting?
What TV shows were you not allowed to watch?
How would you spell the sound the Imperial Probe Droid makes?
GenX Question of the Day 2/1/25:
What did you do
What is John Williams' Most Underrated Work?
Remember when Star Wars was on the radio? This fills in the gap before/during/after the movie.
Looks painful af
Corner cabinet pull out organizer
"Lost Horizon" (Columbia; 1937) -- Jane Wyatt thinks she's being watched, after she emerges from a nude swim.
Watching Brian's Song is the only excuse for a real GenX man to ugly cry.
Only members of Generation X can comprehend this picture.