Name an episode using only one word.
Does this maike anyone else uncomfortable?,
French Toast Survey
South Park is better than Family Guy.
Day 2 of trying to get a comment from every city
Are you a morning person, a night owl, or neither?
Are we really supposed to believe Carl Moss is an Ivy Leaguer?
Day 6: Opinions are divided, horrible person
Democrats' brutal poll problem - The Democratic Party is now at 31% Favorability
How do we feel about Dhar Mann’s take on autism?
Happy Birthday to me
How Do You Feel About Lucky?
Are college dorms normally not separated by gender?
This paradox never fails to disappoint me. Btw all of this is from the same sub (from the same users). I'm going to try my best to be discreet here. All of this from one of those women subs that start with a F.
MLK's daughter's lib guide to a second Trump term
The rightoid "foot in the door" strategy
NY Magazine ripped for cropping black people from Trump party cover photo — claiming ‘almost everyone is white’
Men, what is that one dish you make all the time but wouldn't serve to another human?
Black cherry - where can I get it in the UK?
This year's growing list - 19 varieties
What is one "never have, never will" thing for you?
This seems relatively high. This you? If so, why?
How flirty are you with your female friends?
What immediately tells you that a person wasn't raised right?
It seems only women are entitled to bodily autonomy, downvoted if you say it's not for them to "refuse to let" their husband be a parent his donor child