Jupiter and its four moons through a telescope in my back garden
First AD Purchase
Cool Rolex of the Day #2660: 116203 Datejust with silver floral motif dial, two-tone (steel & yellow gold), 36mm. Circa 2017
The Winter Milky Way, (OC), [1290x1674]
Paid 6k 10years ago
Life is good🍺
The feeling of putting it on never ceases to fill me with Joy
Ordered this Ladies Datejust today
Early Wedding Present
For me the best sub with the Smurf being a close second - which do you like the best?
Got the call... Help me decide 36 v 41
‘Entry level’
First Rolex! A gift to myself for my 40th birthday.
Moments that define time
Wasn't expecting a Rolex spoon
I'm contemplating if I should buy one or two rolexes or buy a few more affordable watches that are not very expensive? I can afford one or two lower priced rolexes however this question does come to mind... What are the thoughts in this community?
Reflection on the markers
<3 My AD - Bday Surprise
Finally I got a Rolex.
Two Toned > SS
Second addition DJ41 123600
Left or Right
My first Rolex and I’m in love
What is the PERFECT 2 watch Rolex collection?