(Jüdischer Rant) Ist der Großteil der Deutschen verrückt geworden?
I wonder where he is...
Trumps new "anti" trans bill.
Demos gegen Rechts? Das kann doch nicht euer Ernst sein, Leute!
Was ist das? Wer seid ihr?
Baden-Württemberg: Linken-Abgeordnete Akbulut in Zug angegriffen
Based AuthLeft
Colombia fucked around and found out
yall fw that?
How's Reddit supposed to react when Nazi bad but trans good?
Aschaffenburg: Union will Asyl-Beschlüsse „ohne Rücksicht“ auf Unterstützer jetzt in Bundestag einbringen - WELT
Dresden plant „gendergerechten“ Stadtteil
PCMs New *OFFICIAL* Banner & Title
🤡Deep Thoughts from The New York Times...
Zehntausende demonstrieren auf mehr als 60 Demos gegen rechts
I like this meme template
The only reasonable way to take my medicine 🍁
I’ve been seeing lots of upvoted unflaireds recently. Consider this a PSA
These keyboard warriors are getting pretty annoying ngl.
Youtube links now banned on r/PoliticalCompassMemes effective immediately
As of today, r/mapporncirclejerk has banned all maps containing the letter X
Things I wish the compass would start doing more of
What are some songs that every drug addicts know?
Biggest Rabbit Hole Ever: John Mcafee and his "Tan MDPV"
Over the counter drugs that ACTUALLY knock you out?