Conrad guy, season 3 update ; first ever playthrough
Choice #226: "Hold it asshole!" "Take it easy..."
Any of you remember this gem?
Top 10 deaths that affected Clementine the most
Nooooo, I thought Sam was a homie 😭
ZEUUUUUS!!! The god of war, Kratos takes the spot of K. Who is the greatest video game character whose name starts with L?
My Custom Until Dawn Action Figure
Man of Medan is under appreciated
I really like how theres just so much yet so little happening in this clip
Jolly man gives an emotional Christmas speech and all his friends give eachother presents
What do you think Jesse’s relationship to Joel was?
I was genuinely celebrating this guys death, fuck Larry, and fuck Lilly too.
character who you dislike the most?
Name a mania moment worse than this
What’s your favorite song throughout the games/show?
Which side character had the best development? IYHO
The walking dead - your story episode 2 part 4
“Laughs Hysterically” guess Neil got rid of that
mickey was in the twilight saga
My first grenade trap kill
Guys, it’s finally playable and how it should have been on release!
so we all collectively hate her right
What games woke melancholy in you?
1967-2005 ❤️🕊️