27M: yup and recently moved cities
Where's the merch? Near the end of the Deep Dive video featured on the release log, we catch glimpses of No Man's Sky merch but I can't find it on their website. HG take my money please, not a third party.
[IWantOut] 30M UK -> Spain or Italy
My owned flat in Madrid, close to Retiro Park. 34M
I love Nordic UI but....
Would you join a gay men looking for monogamy sub or use an app for finding a monogamous partner?
Miami Jewish Community - Thoughts?
Art institute loan forgiveness. Update?
Marrying a Spanish citizen
Shop 12/11
Looking for a replace for my (2013) Mad Catz MMO 7 mouse
I get so excited if I see anything Jewish at the store 😭 and I haven’t even started conversion classes yet
Gay Jews on bluesky
S04E08 - Roast: Marichocho Awards discussion post
[IWantOut] 25M Architecture USA -> Poland/Hungary
UNPOPULAR OPINION: I'm okay with no Sims 5
Uh guys whats happening
U.S. Citizen working remotely for U.S. Company in England.- Should I get hired as an employee or independent contractor?
Madrid Brutal 📕
Does anyone else on the spectrum ALWAYS say the wrong thing to guys and push them away?
Location megathread
Enviar mis pertenencias desde Reino Unido sin que me claven impuestos
Should I just pack up and move to London?
Does anyone feel like don't have a family? How do you handle with that?
FFXIV collabs seem to always be handled in the worst possible way