Movie recommendations?
Sunday ki Ram Ram sabhi ko🙏
My fingers are sore
Look close to 1,000 seeds?
I took 30 g around 10:30 it’s now 1:20 i still feel nothing. How much longer roughly?
Scammed by nutmeg
Am I the only person who likes walking around while on DXM?
Today I made some nutmeg lassi
Is Morning glory less nauseating than hbwr?
IM ON 15g OF WHOLE NUTMEG (3 of them) !!!
It keeps on on getting worse
Do you guys think it’ll be done?
why stop kpins
How to consume
None of this was bought in 24'
Please suggest me some of the best comedy movies
valorant fixed the load times on HDD
Are these the correct seeds?
Anyone tried this ?
Took 2 Pounds of Caffeine
I love nutmeg but please dont do it
First nutmeg trip
Guys, does any one felt creative after taking mango churan?
popped 0.75mg of kpins(no benzo tolerance)